Each fall since 2012, Moran Technology Consulting (MTC) has sponsored the EDUCAUSE Awards Program as an EDUCAUSE Gold Partner. This program provides four major awards to exemplary higher education IT leaders who are transforming the strategic role of information technology across higher education while tackling today’s ever-changing realities. MTC was pleased to join EDUCAUSE in celebrating another outstanding year of nominees and recipients at the annual conference in Denver, CO this past fall, where we had the chance to attend the awards program and spend time with the recipients and their guests at the awards reception (shown above).
MTC would like to extend our congratulations to the 2022 EDUCAUSE Award recipients, each of whom has demonstrated exceptional leadership and accomplishments that model the best of the profession and advance the common good.

Leadership Award
Michael Berman, Former CIO, California State University
EDUCAUSE’s highest recognition, this award honors exemplary leaders whose work has had significant positive impact on advancing the theory and practice of information technology in higher education.

Leadership Award
Sue B. Workman, Former Vice President/CIO, Case Western Reserve University & Leadership Coach
EDUCAUSE’s highest recognition, this award honors exemplary leaders whose work has had significant positive impact on advancing the theory and practice of information technology in higher education.

Community Leadership Award
Lisa A. Stephens, Assistant Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University at Buffalo & Senior Strategist, Academic Innovation, SUNY
Recognizes members for their roles as community leaders and active volunteers in professional service to the broader higher education information technology community.

DEI Leadership Award
Keith W. “Mac” McIntosh, Vice President and CIO, University of Richmond
Recognizes and celebrates exemplary leadership in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community.

Rising Star Award
Joseph Licata, Product Management Consultant, and Former Associate CIO, Maricopa County Community Colleges District
Recognizes rising leaders in higher education information technology whose records reflects ongoing and exceptional growth in contribution to the profession and increased levels of leadership and responsibility.

In addition to the awards’ reflection of significant professional accomplishment and inspiration for others, recipients also received complimentary EDUCAUSE registrations for themselves and a guest, financial support towards travel expenses (if applicable), recognition and honors as an award recipient during the annual conference, and an opportunity to present a session during the conference. MTC Senior Partner and CEO Charlie Moran said, “We have sponsored this award every year since 2012 because as a professional services firm focused on serving higher education IT, we have had the privilege of working directly with some of the best leaders in higher education and it’s important to us to see outstanding leadership in the IT space get the same kind of recognition as other areas of the academy. Back when EDUCAUSE announced this sponsorship opportunity we knew immediately it was the perfect fit for our firm since it gave us a chance to be part of supporting and acknowledging those great IT leaders. We’ve enjoyed being the sponsor and getting to know each year’s award winners ever since.”
Congratulations again to the 2022 recipients! We wish everyone a healthy and happy start to the new year, and we’ll look forward to seeing our many colleagues and clients again at EDUCAUSE 2023.
To learn more about Moran Technology Consulting, including who we are, the higher education IT services we provide, and our partnership-based approach to working with clients, please visit our website: https://morantechnology.com or contact us!